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Devoneer Villeta

"If you're persistent, you will get it. If you're consistent, you will keep it. What's up guys! Thanks for stopping by, I will be your guide for this section. If you want to look your best, you need to train your best, let's go!"

  • There is solid evidence that exercise is an effective preventative strategy against at least 25 medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, colon and breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

  • Moderate intensity activity, even as little as once a week, is sufficient to reduce mortality risk by 22%.

  • Cardio, even as little as 5 to 10 min per day, is associated with reduced risks of death from all causes and from CVD.

  • HIIT may be a particularly effective way of increasing VO2 max and improving cardiovascular health compared to moderate intensity continuous training.

  • HIIT increases VO2 max by a large effect in normal weight populations and increases VO2 max by a medium effect in overweight/obese populations.

  • HIIT significantly decreases resting HR in overweight/obese populations.

  • resistance training is equally, and in some cases superior, to aerobic training in its health-promoting benefits, such as the increasing and/or maintenance of lean body mass and bone mineral density.

  • resistance training, compared with aerobic training, has the ability to decrease fat mass (especially abdominal and visceral fat) while simultaneously increasing lean body mass.

  • Resistance training has also been shown to improve cardiovascular health by: Reducing resting blood pressure, improving lipoprotein-lipid profiles and/or dyslipidemia, decreasing triglycerides, increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and reducing cardiovascular demands to physical activity.

  • Resistance training has the unique ability to improve muscle metabolic properties that may assist in the management and/or prevention of type 2 diabetes.

  • Resistance training is critical for reducing the risk of falls, and has also been shown to reverse specific ageing factors in skeletal muscle and reduce the risk and severity of musculoskeletal injuries.

  • Resistance training has proven effective for reducing low back pain and easing discomfort, inflammation, muscle weakness and fatigue associated with arthritis and fibromyalgia.

  • Resistance training has further proved essential in improving and promoting: physical performance, movement control, walking speed, functional independence, cognitive abilities, self-esteem, and participation in spontaneous physical activity.

Consistent exercise and physical activity play a vital role in your ability to maintain your overall health and quality of life. 


When you can’t fit a workout into your day, avoid being sedentary; walk to the corner store instead of driving and take the stairs instead of the elevator. These minor adjustments can strengthen your heart and improve artery health.


Physical activity and exercise are misinterpreted all the time. Unfortunately, many do not know the difference between the two... what's worse is that most people, at least in the U.S, do not get enough of both. Knowing the difference between the two is the first step in planning out a routine that is tailored to you!



Physical activity is any movement that is carried out by the skeletal muscles that require energy. In other words, any movement one does is actually physical activity. For example, walking, doing chores around the house, taking the stairs, cooking, and decorating for the holidays are all considered physical activity.



Exercise, however, is planned, structured, repetitive and involves intentional movement intended to improve or maintain physical fitness. Exercise is a subcategory of physical activity. Research provides significant evidence that ALL physical activity positively contributes to overall health and well-being.






There are 5 major components of physical fitness, and each one is equally important in their own way. The five major components are : 

- Cardiorespiratory endurance 

- Muscular strength 

- Muscular endurance 

- Flexibility 

- Body composition 



Importance of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training:

- Whether your goal is to gain or reduce weight or for that matter simply stay fit, it is essential to include cardiovascular exercises in your fitness routine. The best part is that, you may not necessarily need any equipment, in order to perform cardio workouts. Swimming, running, walking, bicycling, aerobics are all forms of cardio exercises. Choose a cardiovascular exercise which you enjoy doing, and include variations in your routine to avoid boredom!



Importance of Muscular Strength Training:

A regular strength training program helps you increase lean body mass and burn calories more efficiently, which can result in healthy weight loss. Every move you make requires muscular strength. In technical terms, muscle strength describes the force generated when a muscle or group of muscles contracts. Simply put, muscle strength refers to the capacity to lift, push or pull against weight. Maintaining muscle strength over the long term is an essential component of your good health. Muscle weakness makes you more prone to injuries. Weak abdominal and back muscles increase your risk of low back injuries, potentially leading to chronic pain. Weak thigh muscles make your knees less stable and more susceptible to injuries. Shoulder injuries may occur with a weakness in the rotator cuff muscles. Muscle weakness also increases the risk for injuries caused by falls, especially among older adults. Maintaining your muscle strength with regular weight or resistance training can reduce the likelihood of some diseases and abate the signs and symptoms of others. Other potential benefits of maintaining muscle strength through regular exercise include better sleep, improved mood and self-confidence, and an increased metabolic rate, which aids in weight management.



Importance of Muscular Endurance Training:

- Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time. Benefits are similar to strength training, the main benefit here is your muscles get stronger and are able to carry out activities for a longer period of time.



Importance of Flexibility:

- Flexibility is the ability of your joints and body parts to execute their full range of motion. Being flexible helps to reduce soreness of muscles and improve posture. By stretching, you increase the temperature of your tissues and this increases the transportation of nutrients and overall circulation. This, in turn, increases the range of motion and reduces degeneration of your joints. It also helps reduce lower back pain, and helps relax muscles. The more flexible your pelvic muscles, hamstrings, hip flexors, and quadriceps, the less stress there is on your lower back. Stretching also helps relax both mind and body during any activity or exercise. 


Importance of Body Composition:

- A normal balance of body fat is associated with good health and longevity. Excess fat in relation to lean body mass can greatly increase your risks for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more.











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